a Facebook group & a blog

5 11 2009

Most of you who read this will probably already be familiar with tCD on Facebook. Thanks for checking out my blog. Here’s a brief disclaimer about what this blog will be about but first, if you aren’t a member of the Castle Door: Facebook check it out. As the creator, I’m biased, but it is easily the best theology discussion forum ever. Hope you’ll think so too. the Castle Door: Facebook
I’ve been thinking about the nature of this blog and trying to determine precisely what type of content to post. In the end, I decided not to attempt to recreate the Facebook, Castle Door here as it is already successful and would probably be way too much work to move. Instead, I intend for this to serve as a sister site. I’ll post selected material from papers I write, pertinent conversation I have, and try and pass along good resource reviews as I come across them. I’d be delighted if this takes off in the same way as tCD:Fcbk, but recognize that since users cannot introduce new threads here, this will probably serve better as a complement to the Facebook group and not a substitute for it.

a trip through time

4 11 2009

tCD On the 31st of October, 1517 a young priest nailed 95 theses to the Castle Church Door in Wittenburg, Germany launching a series of events which would lead to the Protestant Reformation. As a result of God’s sovereignty and Guttenberg’s press, Luther’s “radical” ideas revolutionized the world.

Luther, however, probably never envisioned such a ruckus. In fact, the castle door was a common place for posting things and served as a de-facto community bulletin board. It was common practice for scholars to post theses for debate and peer review. This blog is inspired by this centuries old tradition and the firm belief that deep community and vigorous dialogue are essential if we are to discover our own presuppositions and build a worldview founded on the absolute truth of Scripture.

Essentially, I introduce this blog in the hope that through it you will help me develop my worldview (and just perhaps that you might be challenged to pursue truth a bit harder yourself). So to all seekers of truth, welcome!